
Selasa, 30 April 2013


Mau tahu biodata Omar Borkan Al-Gala?
Check this one:
Name: Omar Borkan Al-Gala
Born: 23 September 1987 (25 years)
Nationality: émerati
Location: Vancouver, Canada
high: 1m97 size (6 '5 ½ ")
He is a model and fashion photographer & actor, poet, his career began in dubai fashion after he went to Vancouver to continue his studies in acting and modeling,Because of his beautiful face . all his pictures are spread in the internet <3

Minggu, 14 April 2013

EUROPA (Jupiter's Satellites)

One of the most intriguing planetary bodies of interest astrobiologist is Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter. Europa is the smallest of Jupiter's Galilean and satellites. These are the four moons that were discovered, by Galileo Galilei in 1610. Europa is slightly smaller than our own moon, just over 300 kilometers in diameter. It orbits around Jupiter every three and a half days. The moon is tidally locked, and what that means is, one phase, it's always pointing towards Jupiter, on one hand, its surface is always pointing away. And it feels the gravitational effect of other moons, also Jupiter. These gravitational influences causes the moon to buckle as it's tidely distorted by these immense forces.

Most of what we know about Europa is from flyby missions. For example, Pioneer 10 and 11 in 1973 and 1974 took the first close-up images of Europa. And then in 1979, the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft destined to eventually leave the solar system, also took detailed images of the surface of Europa and saw an icy crusty surface and this prompted the first discussions on the possibility of a subsurface liquid ocean.

Galileo probe in 1995 took some of the closest to most detailed flyby photographs in the surface of Europa revealing some of its fine features, revealing cracks of fractures and chaotic terrains that have intrigued scientists . In 2007, the New Horizons probe that's destined to reach Pluto in 2014, also took images of the surface of Europa. These images taken by previous spacecraft have allowed to look at the surface and try and understand the composition of Europa and its internal structure. The surface of Europa is crisscrossed by dark lines.

It's a very bright surface and it has very few craters from asteroid and comet impacts, and this suggests that the surface of Europa is very young, at least relatively geologically. Young and constantly being resurfaced. What causes these barrens across the surface of Europa and one theory is that they're cased by warm ice rising up above the surface of the Europan crust and causing the crust to break apart and forming these lineations across the surface of Europa. Other chaotic terrains that look surprisingly like chunks, if you will, of icebergs moving around. Not quite in that way, but they suggest the surface of Europa is very young and is constantly being reformed. It's not known at the current time how thick the Europan ice shell is. It could be a few tens of kilometers. It could be hundreds of kilometers. Recent evidence suggest there may even be liquid water very near the surface of Europa.
The fractures that observed on the surface of Europa are probably created by the force of Jupiter pulling on Europa, its fast gravitational force. Expect the fractures to form a very predictable pattern if they were just very basic geological features from ice cracking, but they've become increasingly different from what would expect the older they are. And this would make, makes sense if the interior of the planet was rotating faster than the exterior. What that suggests therefore is that the core of Europa is detached from the icy surface and that might be by liquid water ocean.
There's other evidence for a water ocean as well. The saltiness in the ocean perturbs the magnetic field of Jupiter and this is evidence that's been picked up by studying Jupiter's magnetic field around Europa. This type of evidence also suggests that Europa has a salty ocean inside it.

The inside of Europa may have a metallic core, surrounded by a silicate mantle, a mantle essentially of rocks, and then, a liquid ocean over that core, and then finally, a solid icy crust on the surface, which is what we see with orbiting spacecraft.
The possibility of liquid water has made Europa one of the main targets for search extraterrestrial life and its possible that life inside Europa might look something like we observe in deep ocean beds, the bottom of the Earth's oceans.
Of course, Its unknown what the chemistry inside the Europan ocean and what the conditions are on the surface of that silicon core at the bottom of the oceans. There has been some controversial work suggesting that radiation hitting the icy surface of Europa could produce free oxygen which could seep down into the ocean, and some people have even speculated on the possibility of complex life inside the oceans of Europa feeding off this oxygen and gaining energy from the respiration of oxygen with other compounds. Well, all of these speculations are very interesting. They certainly fire the imagination of astrobiologists and the public alike. But need to know much more about the chemistry of the Europan ocean in order to assess the habitability of this plant. Future missions already been planned to take a closer look at Europa and Jupiter's other moons. The Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer, JUICE, which is being developed by the European Space Agency will explore Jupiter's moon and take a closer look at Europa.

Here is a fanciful image showing a possible mission to explore the oceans of Europa. In this case, the craft has melted its way through the Europan ice sheet and has sent out a small probe to explore the bottom of Europa's oceans. These, of course, would be extremely challenging missions to implement technically. But they show you some visions of the possible astrobiological future of the exploration of this fascinating moon.
Most of our knowledge of the moon is from flyby missions. The surface of Europe is young, it's icy and it's actively deforming. Europa gains its heat from tidal interactions that cause the buckling of the moon, generating heat and that's melting that ice in contribution to the formation of that deep Europan ocean. There may be a liquid water ocean under the ice and further investigation will determine if anything lives in this subsurface ocean.
So we can see that Europa is an example of a moon with the subsurface icy ocean of great interest astrobiologist and future exploration.
Source: Materials of Online Course from UK Centre of Astrobiology by Prof.Charles Cockell

Sabtu, 13 April 2013


Selamat Weekend bagi manusia yang wilayahnya telah memasuki hari Minggu :3
Buat ngisi kekosongan Hari Minggu yang ah ih uh gajebray (Maklum, seorang Forever Alone) saya mau berbagi mengenai sifat seseorang yang punya zodiak TAURUS
Bukannya percaya 100 % sama Zodiak, tapi beberapa diantara yang saya tahu dari Astrology mayoritas sifat yang disebutkan sama (Inyonge yo Taurus) :D. Coba deh disimak beberapa sifat dibawah ini, kali aja bisa buat motivasi atau koreksi diri bagi yang Taurus :)
Okay, Ini beberapa sifat TAURUS :
  1. Seseorang yang keras kepala (catet nih).
  2. Dalam zodiak, memang ditakdirkan sebagai seorang penyendiri (Mungkin forever alone banyak yang berzodiak Taurus haha) , tetapi juga dianggap sebagai salah satu pecinta terbaik.
  4. Taurus itu kreatif, gak mudah menyerah.
  5. Seorang Taurus dengan mudah akan mengetahui kebohongan, bahkan beberapa mil jauhnya :)
  6. I'm a #Taurus i'm stubborn I can pretend to work on that but you're #UGLY what are you gonna do? (nakal yak wkwk).
  7. Tauruses berbicara dari HATI.
  8. Tauruses Tidak akan mengkhianati orang yang dipercaya, tetapi sekali Tauruses dikhianati, dia tidak akan percaya lagi. (Aku banget aww :3 ).
  9. Sekali Tauruses jatuh cinta, sulit untuk move on atau menyerah .
  10. Taurus= Penuh Kasih Sayang
  11. Tujuan Tauruses : menjadi ramah, baik, ramah, tidak menghakimi, penuh kasih, membantu, hangat, setia, berbagi, sopan, kuat, dengan beberapa kata.
  12. Taurus = empatik, artistik, keras kepala, santai, diandalkan, sensitif, pendengar yang besar, dan kuat secara fisik, emosional dan spiritual.
  13. A Taurus female will stay away from you if you wear camouflage in public. (it's the first sign of madness). *Ini saya banget :D *.
  14. Pengalaman Dunia, Perjalanan, Pendidikan, True Love, Pemahaman dan hubungan berdasarkan pondasi yang kuat adalah apa yang paling diinginkan oleh TAURUS .
  15. Taurus women want a man who does, not a man who talks (CATET COY) .
  16. Taurus begitu keras kepala Anda tidak akan dapat memanipulasi mereka kecuali mereka memungkinkan Anda.
  17. Taurus stand alone in the zodiac , as being the only sign that has been worshipped. Recognize biaaatchhh... Huwaaaa.
  18. Taurus is impressed by what you can do not what you have.
  19. Taurus don't play games in relationships.
  21. Mudah marah, tapi Mudah untuk MEMAAFKAN :) .
  22. Taurus make friends quickly -- too bad some of them are crazy people.
  23. Taurus are sexy NOT nasty.
  24. Selalu merasa sendiri meskipun disekelilingnya banyak orang berkeliaran.
  25. Mengajarkan sesuatu yang berbeda pada zodiak lain ♡.
Nah kayaknya cukup segini dulu deh, entar dicoba nambahin lagi :)
Yang mau ngasih saran atau nambahin, monggo :)
Semoga bermanfaat .. Salam ♉♉♉

Jumat, 12 April 2013


Yooooo yang jomlo yang jomblo... Eh kurang manteb, yang Forever Alone yang Forever Alone mana suaraaaaaaanyaaaa.. :D

Kamis, 11 April 2013


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